
We aim to create sustainable well-being and are continuously working towards a more sustainable world.

Our approach to forestry dates back several generations and is rooted in forests that have more than 300 years of experience with sustainable forestry. Understanding and respecting the importance of nurturing the forest and supporting the professional forestry workers who tend the trees that turn into Dinesen products is part of Dinesen’s DNA.

As part of our commitment to promoting and contributing to the preservation and development of sustainable forestry, we are FSC- and PEFC-certified. Dinesen products with FSC and PEFC certificates are available on request.


Dinesen is FSC-certified. This certification reflects our commitment to protecting and nurturing the nature and the forests our wood comes from. In addition to Dinesen’s basic sustainability principles, the FSC certificate guarantees that our clients and cooperation partners buy a product that comes from sustainable forestry. The FSC certificate vouches for the sustainability of our approach to felling, from the selection of the tree to securing the forestry worker’s social rights. To Dinesen, protecting biodiversity and the people who work in the forests is a natural priority.


Dinesen is PEFC-certified. This certification means that we take responsibility for the way the forests and our wood is treated throughout its lifecycle, from forest to sawmill to the finished product. With the PEFC certificate, Dinesen guarantees that our wood is sustainably felled and that the forests are managed in accordance with sustainable principles. Among other things, this means that the forestry is environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable for current as well as future generations.

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